Reseller Programs are another fantastic way to get money on the internet. This method is perfect for people starting out in the market. Reseller Programs are offered by virtually all major companies. They pay you commission for each one of their products you sell on you're site. There are many 3rd party tools that can help you import products to your site. For example, if you're using wordpress to make your website, then you could buy a template called shopperpress and use the amazon api to import products.
Top Reseller Programs
The best reseller program I have seen to this date. Amazing company in the first place, they will give an insane amount of features to help you build your site. They will even give you your money back in the first 30 days if you want.
Amazon Associates
As I explained earlier you can become an amazon reseller and get commission from selling their products on your own website. The downside to being a reseller with a major company is that they give you very little commision. If you want to go through with amazon sell expensive items.
A similar program to hostgator but is a good alternative.
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